Covid-19 Vaccine
Du er kanskje ikke i risiko-gruppen, men Covid-19 har tatt livet til mange unge, spreke og deres familier. Du tar det viktige valget om å ta vaksinen #Covid-19.
Vaccine updates in Somali language: Minister of Health
We engage elderly people to encourage them to get vaccinated
Our outreach team take time to talk to the elderly African immigrants about the importance of the COVID-19 vaccine and encourage them to get vaccinated. Vaccinated elder explains his vaccine experience and benefits of the vaccine with unvaccinated elderly. The…
Outreach team give information to families at home
Viktig informasjon. Information muhiim ah (Somali) Når er alle vaksinert?Planen er at i løpet av sensommeren skal alle over 18 år ha fått tilbud om vaksine. Hvor raskt det går avhenger av hvor mange vaksinedoser vi får til Norge fremover.…
Afrohelse outreach team encouraging people to take the Covid-19 vaccine and to follow public health measures
Afrikanskhelse ønsker alle muslimer en god og velsignet Eid feiring.
More travellers need to stay at a quarantine hotel (Tigrinja)
ካብ ቁጠባዊ ክሊ ኤውሮጳን ክሊ ሃገራት ሸንገንን ወጻኢ ብምጽናሕ ንኖርወይ ዝኣትው ገያሾ ኣብ መወሸቢ ሄቶል ንክኣትው መንግስቲ ውሳኔኡ ኣሕሊፉ ኣሎ። ምኽንያት መገሺኦም ዘይተርፍ ይኹን ኣይኹን ብዘየገድስ ኣብ መወሸቢ ሆቴል ክኣትው ግድን ይኸውን። -ኩነታት ለብዒ ኣብ ኖርወይ ይኹን ኣብ ብዙሓት ሃገራት…
More travellers need to stay at a quarantine hotel (Somali)
Dawladdu waxay go’aan ku gaartay in dadka dalka soo gelaya ee soo joogay dal ka baxsan EØS/Schengen, ay hoteel karantiil galaan marka ay Norway yimaadaan. Ayada oo aan loo eegayn in safarku ahaa mid lagama maarmaan ah iyo in kale.…
Vaccine information in Somali: Dr. Abdi Gele
Dr Abdi Gele in Somalia
Suldan Bashir sharing his experience on covid-19 disease with Somali people (in Somali)
Action plan against forced marriage, female genital mutilation and severe restrictions on young people’s freedom (2013–2016)