In 2023 – 2024, the African Health and Social Development Organization is proud to launch a Sexual Health Campaign in collaboration with African community Organizations in Norway. The main aim of the campaign is to promote the prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted Diseases; use of condoms together with early testing of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Sexual health is indeed part of a healthy body. The main objectives of this campaign are to;
Educate the general public about various STIs, their transmission and prevention
Increase knowledge about the importance of condom use, and
Encourage people to get tested early and regularly
I motsetning til den bredere norske befolkningen, har afrikanske innvandrere i Norge mindre sannsynlighet for å bruke forebyggende helsetjenester og har en høyere sykdomsbyrde, noe som betjenes av vår oppsøkende virksomhet. Formålet med et oppsøkende program er å forbedre og utvide tilgangen til informasjon gjennom tiltak som informasjons kampanje. Disse initiativene er ment å øke samfunnets kapasitet til å forstå godt og forebygge farlig tradisjonell atferd som FGM, Sosialkontroll, kvinneundertrykkelse, tvangsekteskap osv
In 2023 – 2024, the African Health and Social Development Organization is proud to launch a Sexual Health Campaign in collaboration with African community Organizations in Norway. The main aim of the campaign is to promote the prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted Diseases; use of condoms together with early testing of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Sexual health is indeed part of a healthy body. The main objectives of this campaign are to;
Educate the general public about various STIs, their transmission and prevention
Increase knowledge about the importance of condom use, and
Encourage people to get tested early and regularly